Friday, March 1, 2019

For all who seek a listener...

Hello :)
Advice About All is a place for you to ask for advice, an opinion, anything.  Any topic is ok, whether it is about relationships, school, work, shopping, how to use a computer, what to say in a thank you card… anything.  
I will do my best to help, or get help.
Each question will be posted with my reply and a couple of other readers' (like you) replies.  My ideals are more liberal than some and you should get a well-rounded group of responses.
Ground Rules:
1. Be nice or be blocked.
2. Please give as much detail in your email as you are comfortable with.  Age is important for a lot of questions.
3. Privacy is assured barring a warrant.  I will use your first name and nothing else.
4. I know that with a little power comes a little responsibility, please don't hold my ideas against me.  What you choose to do with what I say is up to you.
